DropIt Download

DropIt is a lightweight, yet versatile application that helps you to organize all of your data. If you have ever had problems with finding an important piece of writing or a report for your boss - and of course you did not remember the name - then you know that such a program comes in extremely useful. With this application you can do quite a bunch of things with your files: you can move, copy, compress, decompress, change names, delete, open with a chosen application, send, attack via e-mail, create a list and a playlist, create a shortcut, save it for later, modify the settig and ignore. Already feeling overwhelmed?

Here steps in the simplistic interface of the program: there's only one sole blue icon with a white arrow, and all the setting can be called for by right-clicking on your mouse. All you need to do is to drag-and-drop files and folders on DropIt's icon - and the rest is done automatically, of course according to certain rules. The program can do operations on files by obeying the filters set by the user, e.g., the name of a file (or a part of the name), the date of creating, the name of the performer (music files), camera's model (pictures). By creating associations between a filter and an action you can also define a folder where the files should be moved into.

These associations can be further assigned to certain profiles, each of them useful under different circumstances. This way you can create separate filters for JPG files that you wouldn't like to be in one folder but e.g. to have some pictures moved to Wallpapers and the other to Private pics.

With DropIt it is also possible to monitor folders and to segregate data automatically. When you choose this option in Monitoring tab by picking a folder and defining an action for it, the program will scan the folder every now and then and sort the files according to your needs.

All in all, this program is very useful for all those people who like to keep their data in order. While it takes a while to create a decent number of associations, the more of them we have, the better the application works, and it's really worth the time.