If you are using Davinci Resolve to create content but are really confused about why the mouse cursor is so massive compared to everything else on your system and in the app. This article will show you a couple of different ways you can restore the Mouse Cursor Size in Davinci Resolve to normal.

- Why are mouse cursor icons in Davinci Resolve so Massive?
- Can you make mouse cursor icons in Davinci Resolve smaller?
Table of Contents
How to Fix Huge Mouse Cursor Size in Davinci Resolve.
DaVinci Resolve may automatically adjust its interface based on your system's display settings, which can sometimes lead to a disproportionately large cursor. Most of the time it will be so big that it blocks half the content you are working with.
- Open DaVinci Resolve.
- Navigate to the DaVinci Resolve menu and select Preferences.
- Click on the User tab.
- Under UI Display Scale, change the setting from Auto to 100%.
- Save your changes and restart DaVinci Resolve.
This adjustment ensures that the interface scales appropriately, preventing the cursor from appearing too large.
Verify and Adjust System Display Scaling:
Inconsistent display scaling across multiple monitors can cause cursor size discrepancies in certain software so you can try the following.
- Right-click on your desktop and select Display settings.
- Under Scale and layout, ensure that all connected monitors have the same scaling percentage (e.g., 100%).
- If you have a high-resolution monitor that requires scaling (e.g., a laptop screen set to 175%), try setting it to 100% temporarily to see if it resolves the cursor issue in DaVinci Resolve.
- After making adjustments, restart DaVinci Resolve to see if the issue persists.
Consistent scaling across monitors helps maintain uniform cursor sizing within applications.
Reinitialize DaVinci Resolve's Display Configuration:
If the cursor issue continues, reinitializing DaVinci Resolve's display configuration might help:
- Connect a second monitor to your system.
- Drag the DaVinci Resolve window between the monitors a few times.
- Return the application to your primary monitor.
- Disconnect the second monitor if it's not needed.
This process can prompt DaVinci Resolve to recalibrate its display settings, potentially resolving the oversized cursor issue.