How to Fix Dragon's Dogma 2 Black Screen Issues and Crashing.

If you have installed Dragon's Dogma 2 on PC but are having major black screen issues and crashing problems. This article will guide you through all of the knowing working solutions at this point in time. Make sure you work your way through the steps from top to bottom as you will more than likely need to try multiple things to get it working.

How to Fix Crashing and Black Screen Issues in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Before you start the steps shown below, make sure that your system meets the game's minimum requirements. And make sure that you are using an SSD. If you aren't you're pretty much doomed to failure.

Disable Scaling in the NVIDIA Control Panel.

If you have an NVIDIA GPU you can try disabling Scaling.

Run Dragon's Dogma 2 as an Administrator.

Disable or Readjust Your Overclocks.

Even if Dragon's Dogma 2 isn't your most demanding game you should check your OC settings.

Clean install your GPU Drivers.

This is one of the best solutions for this problem and should fix crashing and black screen problems for you.

FSR and DLSS are your Saviour!

If you're not using high-end gear you might want to start using FSR and DLSS. They work great!

Don't Use Mods!

Mods are great! But mods break games! Especially shortly after launch!

Verify Dragon's Dogma 2 Game Files.

This is the next best thing to a clean installation if you don't have the time or data to reinstall the game.
