How to Fix After Effects - This Unlicensed Adobe app will be disabled Soon.

After Effects error - This unlicensed Adobe app will be disabled Soon is a common problem that happens when installing After Effects and other Adobe software. 99% of the time it is a user error problem caused by not following the installation instructions properly. So if you are here trying to solve it go back to the instructions and follow them very, very closely. If that doesn't work the steps shown in this guide should help work out the rest of the kinks.

How to Fix Adobe Error - This Unlicensed Adobe App will be Disabled Soon

Before you start any of the steps shown below make sure you have installed After Effects following the exact steps shown in the installation document. Usually a text file. If you are upgrading from the trial version make sure you follow the steps for that process. These steps will work 99.9% of the time. If they don't follow the steps shown below.

Windows Firewall - Reconfigure Inbound Rules.

Part 1: Blocking any incoming traffic using Windows Firewall Settings.





Windows Firewall - Reconfigure Outbound Rules.

Part 2: Blocking any Outgoing traffic using Windows Firewall Settings.





As mentioned above these steps are a last resort option. The steps shown in the installation guide that came with your download are the most important so make sure everything is going to the correct location when asked. 
