How to fix You were disconnected from Blizzard services error on Windows.

If you are trying to play a game or a range of games from Battlenet but keep getting the annoying "You were disconnected from Blizard serves" error message. This article will guide you through all the different troubleshooting steps you will need to use in order to solve this problem. Unlike a lot of other issues with Battlenet, this one is usually easy to solve.

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Battlenet isn't one of the most liked or used gaming clients around but it is one that a lot of people will grudgingly use to play some of their favourite games. While it is stable enough and has all the basics you need, you may sometimes have connection issues that show the famous "You were disconnected from Blizzard services" error. This error message has been around for a long time and can happen for quite a few different reasons. The most common is user error however that isn't always the case there are situations where Blizzard servers are overwhelmed as well. The good news is that this is one of the easiest problems to solve so you won't need to worry too much, so let's get started.

First things first, make sure you have restarted your Internet modem and/or router and that you have restarted your computer. Once you have done that we can start the move advanced steps shown below.

Make sure that Blizzard Servers are up and running

Before you start changing anything on your computer check to see if the servers are up and running. If they aren't then you don't have to do anything. Just wait for Blizzard to fix Battlenet servers. There's not much else you can do anyway.

Blizzard Server Status.

Reset your Internet Connection

Resetting TCP/IP and flushing the DNS can resolve internet connectivity issues by refreshing the IP and DNS configurations. If you haven't done this in a while now's a good time to flush DNS settings.

ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /registerdns
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
netsh int ip reset
netsh winsock reset

Try Using Google's DNS

Switching to Google's DNS might be worth trying. Though isn't a confirmed solution.

Preferred DNS server:
Alternate DNS server:

Disable third-party security software/add Blizzard apps to the exception list

If you've started using a new firewall or antivirus program, there's a change it is the cause. Personally, I suggest sticking with Windows Defender and nothing else. It is the most reliable and stable.

Update your network drivers

This is a straight forward solution.

Repair the game via offers a repair tool that can fix corrupted or missing game files, which might be causing disconnection issues.

Clear cache files

Clearing the cache files removes temporary data that can fix the problem if it is isolated to a specific game.
