How to mutual friends & followers on Instagram.

If you are using Instagram and would like to find and view all the people that you have in common with other accounts. This article will show you how to check your mutual friends and followers on Instagram to see who you both have as mutual followers/friends. 

Related: How to fix Instagram only opening a black screen on Android.

Although its popularity is slowly fading in favour of other platforms, Instagram is still one of the most popular social media services getting around. While it has lost its appeal for photographers, a large portion of users have switched to short-form videos to keep up with current trends. 

Instagram also has a ton of features that make using the platform easier including, a ton of ways to block annoying content, spammers, scammers, and the most recent plague “Send pic to” comments. As well as this it is now possible to view mutual people that you and other accounts have in common. This gives you a little extra reassurance that the person you are about to follow or is about to follow you is someone you may know or at a minimum, not a problem account. 

As is almost always the case on Instagram though, this feature is buried within a ton of annoyingly confusing menus and sub-menus that you probably don’t even know are options. Anyway, let’s get started and show you how to view mutual friends/followers on Instagram. Just make sure that you have updated Instagram to the latest version before starting the process. 

How to view friends you have in common with other Instagram profiles (iPhone and Android)

That’s all there is to it. While this feature is handy Instagram is really good at pushing mutual follower suggestions on people so the mutual list may not actually be friends or people you know. There’s a good chance they are just random accounts that you both happen to be following. You’ll have to check each of the accounts to get a better idea of what’s going on. 
