How to change the default search engine in Internet Explorer 10?

Internet Explorer 10 is the default browser in Windows 8 and by default it uses Bing as its embedded search engine. There's nothing wrong with Bing, however everyone has their own favorite search engine. Here we explain how to change the default search engine in Internet Explorer.

If you’re not Bing enthusiast, changing it is going to take some work, since it is not as easy as in Firefox or Chrome. For example, in Google's browser we just go to settings and the Search section. Below we present several steps that must be done to change the default search engine.

We cannot change the search provider from the “Modern” version. In order to change our search provider, we need to access the desktop. The following configuration procedure will also work without any issues on tablets that use Windows RT. Just perform the same steps as you would with your computer.

To start with, we need to access the desktop by either selecting “Win+D” shortcut or the desktop icon in the Modern interface.

Once you accessed the desktop, open up Internet Explorer. Once this is done, select the gear icon in the right corner of the screen. A menu with options opens.

You'll see a list of the search providers currently installed in your browser on the left. Then choose 'Select Search Providers'. Of course, the default will be probably Bing. In the bottom left hand corner, there is a link 'Find more search providers', This will take you to a new IE10 window listing all the web-search add-ons for Internet Explorer such as Google and Yahoo!. The list is quite impressive and even includes online services that don’t involve searching for website content like Facebook.

Now pick your favorite search engine of choice and click the Add to Internet Explorer button. The next step requires you to confirm that this your default search provider. Close IE and reopen it, and then you can use any search engine you select as default search engine. From now on, you can use your brand new search provider on Internet Explorer 10 in both the desktop and Modern interfaces.

