How to Fix Black Screen in Palworld (Steam and Game Pass)

If you are trying to play Palworld via Steam or Game Pass but keep getting a black screen when launching the game. You more than likely have a graphics-related problem so follow along as we guide you through several fixes that will solve the black screen issue in Palworld. 

Related: How to Fix Controller Lag in Palworld on PC - Controller Causing FPS Lag

Black screen issues in games are some of the most common problems PC gamers face and it usually ends up being a graphical issue. So if you are getting them while trying to launch or pay Palworld via Steam or Game Pass you are going to need to check a few different things, then remedy from there.

Before you start any of those steps though make sure that your device can actually play the game. This means your device needs to meet and exceed the minimum system requirements. If you are falling short in an area, you probably won’t be able to fix the Palworld backscreen issue.

Palworld PC Minimum System Requirements

Palworld PC Recommended System Requirements

Disable Scaling in the NVIDIA Control Panel.

If you have an NVIDIA GPU you can try disabling Scaling.

Run Palworld as an Administrator to Fix Blackscreen Problems.

Yes, you can do this with Steam games and it does sometimes solve this problem. To run a game as an Administrator on Steam, go to Steam and do the following.

Go to: library > right click game > properties > installed files > browse.

Right click .exe > run as admin.

For the Game Pass version just search the Game from the Start menu and right-click on it and select Run as Administrator.

Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) Might Fix Black Screen Issues in Palworld

You’ve probably uninstalled an reinstalled GPU drivers plenty of times over the years, however for this to work you need to use DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) This will give you the best clean installation and should solve the problem.

Disable or Readjust your Overclock Settings

Try DLSS or FSR and/or Adjust Graphics Settings Down

Check the Mods you are using in Palworld

Mods are awesome! But mods are problematic! So here's what you need to do. 

Verify & Repair Palworld Game Files on Game Pass

This is a quick and easy way to get a clean installation of the game without having to redownload everything. It's not fully flawless but does help a lot of the time.

Verify Palworld Game Files on Steam

This is the first basic troubleshooting steps you should take with all Steam game issues.
