How to fix Epic online services has failed to install Error Code: EOS-ERR-1603 on Windows 11.

If you are having problems with Epic Games Launcher showing “Epic online services has failed to install” with Error Code EOS-ERR-1603 on Windows 10 or 11. This article will show you several different troubleshooting steps you can use to solve the problem and get the Epic Games client working properly again.

Related: How to Fix Phantom Liberty Achievements Not Unlocking.

While a good portion of people using the Epic Games launcher are only doing so for two reasons. To play Fortnite or to claim the free games that are available every week. It’s not actually a terrible platform. Sure it aint no Steam but it’s nice to have some competition in the space. It’s also a pretty reliable gaming client.

With the exception of a couple of error messages, including error “Epic online services has failed to install” with Error Code EOS-ERR-1603 on Windows 10 or 11. This error message can appear for a few different reasons but will usually pop up when you try to launch the Epic Games client or in rarer cases, when you try to install it. The good news is that there are quite a few possible solutions you can run through, so let’s get started.

Run the Epic Games Launcher as an Administrator.

Install the Launcher in another Directory.

Create a Missing Sub-folder.

Use Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter.

Install .NET Framework.

Reset the Epic Games Launcher Cache.

Uninstall and Reinstall the Launcher.
