How To Fix Game Creation Failed Error in Enshrouded on PC

If you are trying to join a game server in Enshrouded but keep getting Game Creation Failed there are a few different things you will need to check in order to join a game. Most of the time this error simply occurs because of bad server configuration, however, there are some other issues that might need to be addressed as well.

How to fix Game Creation Failed Error in Enshrouded on PC

This is a really simple but important thing to do if you are trying to play Enshrouded with other people. Both the host and everyone attempting to join the session need to be running Enshrouded as an administrator.

This should solve the problem. Just make sure everyone else is running the game as admin and you shouldn't have any problems.

Make sure the Server Host Launches the Enshrouded Dedicated Server .Exe Directly

Sometimes the Enshrouded Dedicated Server tool can have permissions issues when launched via a shortcut. Which can cause the game creation error. So to avoid this, the server or session host needs to run the server tool directly from its file.

Make the Server Has a Basic Password.

For whatever strange reason server passwords may cause problems for people joining multiplayer games. So the solution is a simple one Fix the game creation failed error by using a really simple password. Avoid anything like 123456 etc but just stick to basic numbers letters. Don't go crazy with length and symbols etc.

What is causing Game Creation Failed Error in Enshrouded?

Enshrouded by Keen Games is a survival game that was unlucky enough to release just as Palworld boomed foreshadowing it as an awesome game in its own right. For a newly released video game it's also quite stable and doesn't seem to have any technical glitches or other major problems. So far most of the issues appear to be minor user errors linked to bad configuration. So ensure everyone is using he same game version and follow the steps above to get everything working. You should also follow basic housekeeping steps as well to make sure Windows has been updated.
