How to restore Windows default settings?

When we messed up your computer, encounter virus attacks, or our PC works slower, many users will arrive at the last-resort option to completely wipe computer, clean and start from new. Sometimes a computer is beyond repair, and needs to be completely restored, however restoring machine to its default factory settings is time-consuming, tedious, and in some cases impossible if you don’t have Windows installation disc. On such occasions before a reinstall you can try RefreshPC as a last resort.

Sometimes, even after a few years, the system works perfectly, sometimes after several months of intense work, installing and uninstalling programs, computer runs very slowly, is sluggish and unstable. Installing a new copy of Windows operating system seems to be the best solution. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, so another alternative is a restoration of the system to default factory settings. There is a dedicated software for this called RefreshPC 2.0.

The latest version irons out the problem the previous version suffered from. The previous version was identified a malicious by security software - the latest version does struggle with this problem anymore. Using RefreshPC 2.0 we can restore system settings to their default values . This handy tool will help you to return registry settings and all Windows services to their default state. In addition, the tool cleans temporary folders and Prefetch files. Despite being extremely powerful, the program is dead easy to work with - even beginners with no experience and computer knowledge can easily get around the application.

The program’s interface is clean and offers only one function. The latest version also adds support for Windows 8. The RefreshPC 2.0 does not touch installed programs or personal files, it only resets default Registry settings and system services.

You may find RefreshPC 2.0 particularly useful if your system gets infected with a virus or malware.The only downside is that the program doesn’t inform us about the changes it will make and we don’t have control over those processes. When the process is completed, we only receive some basic information about the implemented changes.

Consider creating a system restore point, before you start working with RefreshPC 2.0. What is nice about RefreshPC is that it prompts you during start to create a system restore point- if you're not sure whether the changes made by the utility go as planned, it is recommended to create a restore point so that you can go restore your system to a pre-set changes.
