How to set custom thumbnails for YouTube Playlists.

If you have a YouTube channel and would like to set thumbnails for your playlists, this article will show you how. By default, YouTube doesn’t have an option to set thumbnail images for a playlist, instead, you have to set a video as the playlist and its thumbnail will be applied to the playlist. This guide will show you how to use that process to get your own custom thumbnail. 

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YouTube has a lot of channel customisation options that allow you to tailor a channel to your specific requirements. You can set your own custom profile pictures, banners, video thumbnails, etc. It doesn’t however give you full control over your playlist thumbnails… By default, the only option is to set a video as your playlist thumbnail which is used as the playlists cover image. 

Although this is a pain to do and doesn’t always represent your playlist properly, you can use this system to your advantage and set your own fully customised YouTube thumbnail. It requires a little more work than usual, however, it’s worth the results in the long run and will make your channel look a lot more professional. Especially if you have a running them going.

How do you set playlist thumbnails on YouTube? Use your own jpg image as a YouTube Playlist Thumbnail.

To begin, the first thing you are going to need to do is to create a custom thumbnail for your desired playlist. 1280x720 is the best resolution to use for thumbnails on YouTube. Once you have your thumbnail ready, there are two different options you can use to set it as a playlist cover image. 

Option 1: The Easy Way.

Option 2: The Professional Way.

Once you have completed all the steps shown in option 1 or 2, you will have perfectly themed and professional-looking YouTube playlist thumbnails. Remember you can update your thumbnails as often as you like just switch out the videos as you choose. 
