Next-Generation Consoles from Sony and Microsoft Delayed to 2014

After Sony and Microsoft failed to announce their plans for new consoles during either of the big gaming conventions of 2012, one industry analyst believes that the two companies are not yet ready and that launches will only take place during 2014. Michael Pachter, who is an analyst watching the video game industry for Wedbush Morgan, has stated in a note to investors that, “We still have no indication of specs, timing or pricing for the Wii U, which is slated to launch some time before year-end, but Nintendo will announce a launch date and price next week, with a price point of $299 – 349 likely.” The analyst might be optimistic when it comes to the actual launch date of the devices, given that Nintendo has only mentioned that the new home console will be delivered before the end of the year on core markets. Pachter added, “We have heard no word yet from Microsoft or Sony about their plans to launch new consoles, but both manufacturers are widely expected to launch consoles by year-end 2013. Although we believe that Microsoft could delay a new console launch until spring of 2014 in order to accommodate what is certain to be overwhelming demand among hardcore gamers.” For about one year rumors have been appearing, linked to sources inside both Sony and Microsoft, about what the next console generation might include, from better integration for motion tracking to a gamer distribution system which no longer includes physical disks. Nintendo has already offered details on its own next-generation device, the Wii U, which will include more computing power and a new touch screen enabled controller. We got hands-on time with the Wii U during E3 2012 and Gamescom 2012, and the device appears to be as powerful as the current generation from Sony and Nintendo, while the new controller can enable some interesting gaming experiences.
