One in Five Businesses 'Unprepared' For Cyber Attack.

A recent poll suggests that one in five businesses worldwide is still not fully equipped to deal with cyberattacks. If hackers get access to a company system, either through the official network or from a third party with system access, customer information, such as funds, addresses, and contact information, may be compromised.

Related: 5 Tips to Protect PC from Viruses.

A data breach can be costly to fix, but it may also harm a company's brand, leading to reduced future profitability. If it fails to win back the trust, it will ruin its customer retention ability. Although no company is entirely sure to be immune from a cyber assault, numerous physical and technical measures can be implemented to help protect network data.

Ways to defend your company from cyber-attacks

This article aims to help such businesses spot infrastructure flaws that open the doors to cyber threats. It takes more than just a simple anti-virus upgrade to combat these attacks; it involves constant monitoring. However, safeguarding your systems does not have to be complicated. Here's how to get started.

Limit the Access to Data and Information

Human error, the number one information security hazard, is reduced by restricting their access to your crucial company data. Employees should only have access to the specific systems and data required to perform their duties.

Take immediate precautionary measures if an employee quits your organization or transfers to a different location, such as erasing passwords and accounts from all systems and collecting company ID badges and entrance keys.

Data encryption and backup

A comprehensive cybercrime defence strategy should have two components: limiting access to sensitive content and making that data unusable if it gets into the wrong hands. Ensure that any sensitive data, such as customer information, employee information, and business data, is encrypted. Today, full-disk encrypting software is included in almost all operating systems, and it can secure all the data on a desktop or laptop while it is idle. Check that all company devices have this software activated and updated. Set all computers to automatically enter sleep or 'lock' mode within five minutes of no use to reduce the length of time a computer stays idle and unlocked.

Please back up your data and save it separately to stay ahead of the game.

Prohibit Password Sharing.

Employers can foster a security-conscious culture that discourages password sharing by informing employees about the risks. To achieve this, it is advisable that the management lead by example; instead of using the same password, pick password manager to assist the employees in logging in to guests, contractors, or recruits temporarily. A password manager is an essential tool that everyone should use. Using protocols, such as providing temporary passwords for contractors or speeding up the onboarding process for new workers, can also help to reduce the need for password sharing in the workplace.

Configure Web and Email Filters

Use email and web browser filters to avoid hackers and prevent spam from filling employee inboxes. You can also use "blacklist" services to prevent people from visiting potentially dangerous websites.

Restrict your staff from visiting sites commonly linked to cybersecurity issues, such as pornographic sites or apps. It may sound obvious, but it only takes one person visiting the wrong website to download malware into your company's computers.

Invest in Robust Anti-malware and Firewall software

Ransomware has become the most prevalent cyber security threat to small businesses; therefore, safeguarding your company from malware is crucial. Existing anti-virus software is inadequate against ransomware, which evolves nearly as quickly as new anti-virus software. Ransomware can operate invisibly in the background, only being identified by an anti-virus tool after it is too late to save your files. As a result, it's critical to invest in expressly built software to address this problem. While competent anti-malware programs may detect and isolate software viruses once they have entered your database, preventing them from entering in the first place is critical.

Investing in a well-designed firewall is consequently essential for keeping malware out of your computer systems. And, because cyber security risks evolve quickly, constantly pay close attention to notification updates and run them as soon as they are available. These updates are made in reaction to the most recent cyber threats, making them an essential weapon in the battle against cyber-attacks.

Employee Education

Every employee should understand the following:

Every new employee ought to be trained on protecting sensitive data and should sign the company's information policy. To reinforce your cybersecurity culture, use newsletters and regular training.


Although cyber-attacks are a real threat, it's easy to forget about them until one occurs. Following the above-mentioned comprehensive cyber security strategies will help if your organization has an online presence, keeps customer and company data on digital devices, or employs cloud-based software.
