StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm Teaser Trailer Leaked

The next chapter in the StarCraft 2 trilogy, Heart of the Swarm, just saw its teaser trailer leak onto the web, showcasing some very important hints to its story. Blizzard surprised its legions of fans when it announced that StarCraft 2 will be a trilogy, with each chapter focusing on a single race from the StarCraft universe and one leading into another in terms of story. We've already seen the first installment, Wings of Liberty, which focused on the Terran faction and on Jim Raynor, in particular, who played a huge role in the first game and its subsequent expansions. Since then, players are anxiously awaiting any piece of information about the next chapter, Heart of the Swarm, which is going to focus on the Zerg faction, and its leader, Sarah Kerrigan. Now, it seems that the first actual details have been leaked, with a teaser trailer for StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm appearing on YouTube. It seems that GameTrailers posted the teaser video a bit early, and quickly took it down. This didn't stop avid users from immediately downloading the footage and then hosting it on YouTube for all the world to see. While it's just 45-second long, fans of the StarCraft franchise are going to be extremely pleased, as the video showcases a major meet up between Raynor and his former lover, now Zerg queen, Sarah Kerrigan. For those unaware of the StarCraft story, Kerrigan was a human special agent, a Ghost, which worked together with Raynor to save humanity from the Zerg menace. She sacrificed herself to help Jim, but was corrupted by the Zerg influence. She quickly bent the race to her will and is now the Queen of Blades, the leader of the Zerg faction. According to the footage, Raynor will finally get to confront Kerrigan and have her answer his many questions about betrayal and what the Zerg intends to do with the universe.
