If you are a heavy user of your computer for work and often have trouble falling asleep at night, it may be because of the blue light being emitted from your screen. Windows doesn’t include the option to switch to night mode like many other operating systems. However, there is a program specially designed to work with Windows 10 to reduce the strain on your eyes.


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The idea of night mode has been around for a long time but has only recently started to catch on as more and more studies show how blue light effects the human sleep cycle. With this new information, software and hardware developers are starting to incorporate Night Mode into their apps or devices as a standard feature.

It is rumored that Night Mode is going to be officially added to Windows 10 in its Creators update due out sometime around spring this year. (2017) If however, you would like to get a head start and see if night mode really does help, there is a great program specifically designed for Windows 10 called F.lux.

F.lux applies warm colours to your monitor, be it your Desktop display or your Laptop screen. Reducing the amount of blue light that your screen is emitting. The best part is that F.lux is free with the option to support development via donations should you choose to. If you would like to give it a whirl (try it out) we have included a download link to the official source below.

Download F.Lux

How to Setup F.Lux to Remove Blue Light From Your Screen.

Once you have downloaded and installed F.Lux, you will be required to perform a Restart. After this, you will be prompted to enter your postcode. You can enter anything you like however it is best to enter something close to your current timezone as it allows F.Lux to set up the screen to adjust the colors on your monitor according to the daylight hours in real time for your location.


Once you have done this, F.Lux will apply the settings automatically and remove the blue light from your screen. A new icon will also be displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen, right-clicking on this icon will bring up the settings menu. Here you have the option to quickly disable the color settings of F.lux if you are working on color-sensitive projects such as graphic design tasks or photography.


From the same menu in the top right-hand corner, you will see an icon displaying Settings. Inside this tab, you can adjust your location, change the transition speed in which the colors are applied and make changes to the color tones being displayed.

Next to the settings menu, there are 3 horizontal lines displayed, this is another settings menu inside the settings menu. Here you can make more adjustments to the way that F.Lux works, with options such as Movie Mode and Darkroom, which adjusts F.Lux to best suit the current use of your screen.


Using F.Lux to reduce the level of blue light emitted by your laptop or desktop screen is very simple and the default settings are balanced well. However, if you find the night time settings to be too red/orange a good setting to start on is about 4800k-5000k. Initially using F.lux is a little strange, so you may have to bear with it for a few weeks before you get used to it and notice the difference in your sleep patterns.