How to create an Avatar on Instagram for Stories and Stickers.

If you use Instagram you’ve probably noticed that some people you follow now have digital avatars of themselves which they are using in stories and in stickers. This is a brand new feature of Instagram that ties in with Facebook’s Metaverse concept and allows you to create your own digital avatar that will be the backbone of the new Metaverse.

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Digital avatars have been around for ages with the concept going way back to Microsoft’s early Xbox Live system on Xbox 360. This system gave users the ability to create personalised avatars to represent their profiles and them in some games. Since then the concept has grown with Facebook now implementing their own version of avatars on Instagram as part of their transition to the Metaverse.

For now, Instagram avatars are relatively limited, only being available in Instagram Stories and Instagram Sticks. But that will change pretty quickly as Facebook pours time, effort and money into the Metaverse. If you’ve got no idea what exactly an avatar is, it’s supposed to be a visual and virtual representation of yourself, though you can essentially make it look however you like. There aren’t any restrictions on what you can create.

Once you have created an avatar in Instagram you will be able to create personalized Stickers using it and attach it to stories and direct messages. Though there are certainly plenty of other options and uses coming in the near future.

How do you create an Avatar on Instagram (Android & iPhone)

How do you use Avatars in Instagram as stickers in Stories and direct messages?

As we mentioned at the very start of this guide, there isn’t a lot else you can do with Instagram avatars at the moment, however, there are certainly going to be a lot of new features coming eventually.
