How to fix Halo Infinite Campaign won’t download or update on Game Pass.

If you are trying to download the Halo Infinite Campaign but are having major issues with it downloading correctly, updating correctly, or installing correctly. This article will show you several different things you can do to solve all the issues plaguing the Halo Infinite Campaign installation. Yes, there are quite a few of them!

Related: How to manually update games on Game Pass that won’t auto-update.

The Halo Infinite Campaign has finally been released and is now available from all the usual locations including the Microsoft Store, Game Pass, the Xbox App, and Steam. Unfortunately, the Game Pass version isn’t cooperating for a lot of users causing a range of different issues. Some users who pre-installed the game can’t update the game, while other users can’t uninstall the game.

All these issues are known Game Pass and Xbox app issues that Microsoft should have fixed by now. However, as with tradition, nothing has been done about it. If you recently played Halo Infinite Campaign you know exactly what we’re talking about. Thankfully, most of the solutions that help fix the Halo Infinite Campaign on Game Pass will also work for the Halo Infinite Campaign. So let’s get started on solving all of these issues.

A TIP: when using Game Pass on PC.

Game Pass has a lot of major problems storing, removing and managing game installation files. The Halo Infinite Campaign isn’t the first problem of this kind. As a result, we recommend everyone who is using Game Pass on PC use a separate drive for game installations. If you don’t have a spare drive we suggest creating a partition on the drive you have and using it solely for Game Pass games.

Having a separate drive or partition allows you to quickly and easily format the location if Game Pass games get stuck. Quite often games will uninstall from the Xbox app but all the files and data remain on your drive. You can check out a comprehensive guide on it all here.

Use the Microsoft Store to download the Halo Infinite Campaign.

Although it might seem stupid you can try using the Microsoft Store to download, install or manage the Halo Infinite Campaign. Simply open the Microsoft Store go to the Halo Infinite Campaign page and select the Game Pass version of the Halo Infinite Campaign. Then perform whatever tasks you need to and you should be able to install, uninstall, remove or play the game without issue. If you still encounter problems try some of the other steps shown below. You can use this method for all Game Pass games you are having problems with.

There is an update for Halo Infinite Campaign but it won’t start?!

If you know there is an update for the Halo infinite campaign but it won’t appear in the Microsoft Store or on the Xbox app, Restart your computer. For some reason, this will trigger the download process the next time you start your computer and open the Xbox app or the Microsoft Store. You can use this method for any Game Pass games as well.

Can you fix the Halo Infinite Campaign download not resuming after pausing on Game Pass?

There are a couple of things you can try to solve this issue but I can’t promise they will work for everyone or every time.

If that doesn’t work, you can try clearing and bugs out of the installation by using Storage Sense to clear the Delivery Optimization Files on your computer.

This should sort out whatever issue is causing the game to get stuck and allow you to re-download it again.

What can you do if the Halo Infinite Campaign doesn't uninstall properly? Halo Infinite Campaign data won't delete from a drive. (Game Pass PC)

For some reason, the Halo Infinite Campaign can be an exception to the Delivery Optimization Files removal fix sometimes. So if the method above doesn't clear your drive space, you'll need to do the following.

Once you have reset the Microsoft Store, you'll need to Repair the Xbox app installation on your computer.

After doing both of the above, you should see that the damaged Halo Infinite Campaign installation has been removed. You can now reinstall Halo Infinite Campaign on your device without issue. However, I strongly suggest letting the installation complete in one sitting, don't pause it or shut down your computer during the download or you will have to follow the same steps again and start the download from scratch.
