How to Fix Steam Integration with GOG Galaxy not working - Connect Steam with GOG

If you are trying to set up GOG Galaxy to have all of your games in a single location but can't get Steam to cooperate for full integration. This article will guide you through all of the steps you need to take in order to get everything working smoothly so that all your games are in a single location.

Download the Community-Integrated Code From GitHub


Update GOG and Steam


GOG Galaxy

Run network troubleshooter

Windows 11

Windows 10

Reinstall GOG

What is causing Steam and GOG Galaxy Integration Problems?

GOG Galaxy allows users to list all their game libraries from numerous platforms into a single interface, improving the user experience by offering a centralized access point for all owned games. However, there are times when Steam integration simply disconnects and doesn't automatically return. As a result a good portion of games aren't added to the universal library. Thankfully this issue can be resolved using the steps shown above.
