How to fix - You might need to take action in another window on Windows 11

If you are trying to install something using the Microsoft Store but keep running into the "You might need to take action in another window" error message this article will guide you through quite a few different troubleshooting steps you need to take in order to solve the problem. While a lot of people have tried to figure out what causes this error, including the people over at Microsoft Support no one seems to understand it. However, there are some fixes that do fix the issue which also work on Windows 10.

Key Points

  • Steps for fixing Windows 11 error - You might need to take action in another window.
  • Solving app and installation error - You might need to take action in another window which can occur in multiple Windows locations.

How to Fix Microsoft Store Error You might need to take action in another window.

Work your way through all of the steps shown below to solve this error message. 

Clear the Microsoft Store Cache then redownload. 

Like most applications, Microsoft Store creates and stores cache data to enhance performance. However, if this cache becomes corrupt, you may experience various issues.

Now you should be able to sign in and download the software that you were trying to install. 

Make sure the App or Program isn't Already Installed.

Although you usually get a different error message when an app or program is already installed on Windows this error message may also appear in some situations. So double-check that the program isn't already on your computer. Perhaps there is a different version or something. 

Reset & Repair the Microsoft Store App

Reinstall the Microsoft Store App

Get-AppxPackage -allusers WindowsStore | Remove-AppxPackage

Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsStore | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}

What's the Problem?

Windows 10 and 11 have a lot of problems that can randomly occur but the error "You might need to take action in another window" is an interesting one because no one really knows what seems to cause it or where it comes from. But essentially when you try to install something using the Microsoft Store you get a notification basically telling you to look elsewhere which isn't helpful.  However, you may also come across the same error message installing programs like GIMP... Updating Windows is a good place to start in order to fix things, but if that doesn't work all of the steps above will help answer and resolve the problem. 
