You’ve probably recently noticed a lot more colorful posts on Facebook, full of stickers and emojis. These have been around for quite some time now, however recently they have really taken off. If you are wondering how to make your own super colorful, exciting post on Facebook this guide will show you how to create them step by step.


How to Create Custom Facebook Profile Picture Frames.

To start off, there is a bit of a catch to these new colorful posts. Depending on whereabouts in the world you live, you might not be able to access the feature yet. Facebook likes to test certain new features in certain countries, Australia, New Zealand, USA, and Canada are the usual trial locations, this time around though nobody's quite sure which countries it is available in, so just check and see.

If they feature is available to you, accessing it is quite simple and can be done from your Desktop or your Mobile Devices. It doesn’t matter which one you are using, the process is very much the same on each. For this guide, I will be using the Facebook web version.

How to Make Colourful, Emoji Filled Posts on Facebook.

The first thing you are going to have to do is open the Create Post window, you can do this by clicking on the What’s on your Mind? Section. If the feature is available to you, you will see a row full of colored circles.


This row of colors is the selection available for you to use as the background of your post. Once you click on one, the post window will fill with that particular color. Now you can type whatever you please into the window as your message.


Note: There is a character limit on colored posts so don’t go overboard, as it will revert back to a standard Facebook post, without all the fanciness.


There are also stickers available rather than colored backgrounds, to find these click the Stickers icon from the available options in the window. Here you will be able to select a variety of different stickers which are sorted into different categories.


Note: If you choose stickers over background colors there is no word limit you have to adhere to.

Once you have chosen a sticker it will be placed above the words in your post. If you think the Stickers list available is far too limited for your taste you can add more stickers by clicking on the + sign in the top corner of the stickers window. There are tons to chose from and a good percentage of them are free which is great also.


When you are happy with your final design and you are ready to post it to Facebook all you have to do is click Post and it will share the same was as a normal post would. This is quite a fun, cool way Facebook have decided to brighten up everyone's news feeds.

Below is a quick screenshot of what the process will look like on your Android Device. You'll see it is almost the same as the web version.
