How to Set up your Own Palworld Dedicated Server - Palworld Server Guide.

If you are trying to play Palworld on a dedicated server that you are hosting yourself. This article will guide you through the entire process of creating a server to play Palworld on. As with most dedicated server guides it's going to be very details and very long so work your way through the steps slowly so that you don't make any mistakes.

Key Points

  • How to Set Up a Palworld Dedicated Server - Creating a Palworld Server.
  • How and Where to Download the Palworld Dedicated Server Tool
  • Preparing to Launch Your Palworld Dedicated Server
  • Generating Files & Configuring a Dedicated Palworld Server
  • How to Launch Your Dedicated Palworld Server
  • How to Save and Exit Your Dedicated Palworld Server
  • How to Let Players Join Your Dedicated Palworld Local Network Server

Just so you are aware the Steam version of Palworld allows 32 players per server (but no crossplay).
The Xbox store PC version (Game Pass) only supports the same 4-player co-op mode but does allow cross-play with the Xbox.

Is the Palworld Dedicated Server Setup Free?

As long as your computer is on, and running the server people will be able to join you. That is if you’ve set everything up correctly

Downloading Palworld Dedicated Server

While you can quickly and easily download the Palworld Server Tool from Steam, the following process is a better way of doing things for three reasons.

  1. It uses less resources than running Steam
  2. Doesn’t require an account.
  3. If you don’t own the game on Steam this is generally easier.

First, we’ll use SteamCMD to get the dedicated server files.

steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +app_update 2394010 +quit

Preparing to launch your Palworld Server

If you downloaded with SteamCMD, edit your existing start.bat file and replace everything so it appears as follows:

@echo off
echo Checking for updates...
steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +app_update 2394010 +quit

echo Launching server
cd .\steamapps\common\PalServer
start PalServer.exe -ServerName="YOUR SERVER NAME" -port=8211 -players=32 -log -nosteam -useperfthreads -NoAsyncLoadingThread -UseMultithreadForDS EpicApp=PalServer

Note: Make sure you replace "YOUR SERVER NAME" with your server name.

The EpicApp=PalServer component will add your server to the list of public servers. If you do not want this happening, remove: EpicApp=PalServer from the command.

Generating Files & Configuring server

It should look something like the example below when you are finished.

ServerName="YOUR SERVER NAME",ServerDescription="",AdminPassword="34444355s",ServerPassword="",PublicPort=8211,PublicIP="",RCONEnabled=False

Launching Your Dedicated Palworld Server

How to Join your New Dedicated Palworld server

Now your server is running and you should be able to join it using

At this point in time no one online (from the Internet) can join this server until we’ve gone through a few more steps.

Saving and Exiting your Dedicated Palworld Server

In order to save your world when you close it, there’s a few commands that you need to run.

Below is a full list of the commands available for your server.


/DoExit Force stop the server.
/Broadcast {MessageText} Send message to all player in the server.
/KickPlayer {SteamID} Kick player from the server.
/BanPlayer {SteamID} BAN player from the server.
/TeleportToPlayer {SteamID} Teleport to current location of target player.
/TeleportToMe {SteamID} Target player teleport to your current location
/ShowPlayers Show information on all connected players.
/Info Show server information.
/Save Save the world data.

Note: You can find a full list of Palworld Dedicated Server Commands here

How to get Other Players to join your Palworld Dedicated Server

To let someone on the same local network as you play in your Palworld Server: You need to allow the ASA server through your firewall.

So you will need to open the following ports:

25575 (if you’re using RCON).

Note: If you set a custom port above, then forward that as well.

IMPORTANT: If you’re using a third-party antivirus with a firewall make sure you forward or white list ports there as well.

If you’re using Windows Defender Firewall, then run the following commands in an Administrator Powershell window. You can open Powershell by searching Powershell from the Start menu then right-clicking on it and selecting Run as administrator.

New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Palworld Server" -Direction Inbound -LocalPort 27015,27016,25575 -Protocol TCP -Action Allow

New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Palworld Server" -Direction Outbound -LocalPort 27015,27016,25575 -Protocol TCP -Action Allow

New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Palworld Server" -Direction Outbound -LocalPort 8211,27015,27016,25575 -Protocol UDP -Action Allow

New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Palworld Server" -Direction Inbound -LocalPort 8211,27015,27016,25575 -Protocol UDP -Action Allow

This will open all of the ports and allow people on the same local network as you to connect to your server while it’s running.

All you need is your local IP address.

How to Find Your Local IP Address

Other devices can use this local IP address to connect to your server.
IMPORTANT: This is a LOCAL IP, and your server is not yet accessible online (the internet) or even routers outside of your own. So you will need to use Port Forwarding to finish the setup process.

How to Set Up Port Forwarding for your Palworld Dedicated Server.

Using your Local IP address, and allowed ports through to - It's time to forward traffic from these two ports. 

  1. Check your Local IP address:
    Find your local IP address, and ensure that the necessary ports (7777, 7778 for UDP, and 27015 for TCP) are allowed through to your computer.

  2. Multiple Routers:
    If you have multiple routers in a chain, port forward each router to the next until you reach your computer. You'll need to port forward ports 7777, 7778 (UDP), and 27015 (TCP). Look up specific guides for your router.

  3. Single Router Scenario (Directly connected to the Internet):

    • Forward the following ports: 8211, 27015, 27016, 25575.
    • Type: TCP/UDP.
    • Destination: Your computer's local IP address (e.g.,
  4. Port Forwarding Process:

    • Forward ports 7777 and 7778 for UDP.
    • Forward port 27015 for TCP.
    • If your router allows, choose both TCP and UDP.
    • Some routers may allow entering ports comma-separated (e.g., 8211,27015,27016,25575) or selecting TCP/UDP together.

Letting others join

You've opened up your Palworld server for both local and internet connections.

How to set up Your Own Palworld Dedicated Server.

That's the entire process for hosting and creating a palworld dedicated community server. It's not the most simple process for creating a game server however it's about as simple as we can make the process. Anyway, hopefully, that has explained how to set up a dedicated server for multiplayer in Palword. This will work for both Steam and Game Pass however the Steam version is more user-friendly.
