Can You Disable Ads in the Windows 10 Mail App?

The Windows 10 Mail app has long been one of Windows 10’s best features, however, moving forward, this may no longer be the case as Microsoft is now testing ads within the Mail app. That being said, the big question is can they be disabled?

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The Windows 10 Mail app is the most used and certainly the most useful preinstalled app on the operating system. It’s easy to set up and use plus allows you to add email accounts from just about any online email service available, including Gmail. Sadly, things for the Mail app may be about to take a step backwards as Microsoft has started testing ads within the app.

Starting Mail app version 11605.11029.20059.0 ads will display at the top of the Other folder, but will only advertise Microsoft Office 365, though that may change in future releases. If you already happen to have an Office 365 subscription, you’ll be lucky enough to avoid the adverts. This brings us to the big question everyone is wonder. Can you disable these new Windows Mail app ads?

Sadly, at least for now, there doesn’t seem to be a way to disable these ads, though there will most likely be a solution at some stage. As this isn't the outcome for the Mail app most people were hoping for, this brings us to the next topic, Windows 10 Mail app alternatives.

Can’t Disable Ads in the Windows 10 Mail App?! It’s Time For Some Alternatives.

Although switching from the built-in Windows 10 Mail app may seem like a drama, it doesn’t have to be as there are quite a few great alternatives available. Some completely online and others with clients you can use locally like the Windows Mail app.

Mozilla Thunderbird

Of all the alternative mail clients available, Mozilla Thunderbird is by far the most popular and widely available. It’s easy to set up, extremely customizable and has tons of amazing features. The only downside is that it is a little more crowded than the Windows Mail app, however, before long you’ll find yourself right at home navigating the interface.


Having been the number 1 mail app on both Android and iOS devices for the last few years BlueMail has finally revealed two new clients. One for macOs and one for Windows 10. If you haven’t used BlueMail on your mobile device before, you should definitely be checking it out. Not only is it fast and stable, it’s also extremely customisable and allows you to personalise most of the interface to suit your current mobile theme.

As the Windows 10 version of BlueMail has only just been released, it isn’t as fully featured as the mobile version. Though it is by far the most straight to the point and clean email client I’ve seen on Windows 10. Considering how feature rich the mobile version is, it shouldn’t be too long before the Windows and Mac versions catch up.

If you don’t mind using an online email service from your browser, is also a great option. The interface is clean easy to use and also features a new dark theme. also now allows you to add email accounts from other services like Gmail and Yahoo, so you can check, send, and create emails from one easy location.

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Wrapping Things Up. 

As a long time Mail app user it’s a little disappointing to see ads rolled into the client, especially since Microsoft has up until this moment really fine-tuned the Mail app. Personally, I find this a giant step backwards for the operating system, so hopefully the idea gets canned before becoming part of the next build. Either way, from this point onwards I think I’ll start using BlueMail.   
