How to cancel your StreamLabs OBS subscription. (2021)

If you have a StreamlabsOBS subscription and would like to cancel your sub, you’ve probably found it next to impossible to find the location where you can cancel your Streamlabs subscription. Don’t worry you’re not the only one. This is deliberate and intended to keep people subscribed. Thankfully, we know exactly where to go to unsub from StreamlabsOBS, so follow along as we guide you through the process.

Related: How to stream to multiple platforms at the same time. Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, etc.

In typical fashion, that isn’t far outside the norm these days, you’ve probably noticed that unsubscribing from StreamlabsOBS is almost impossible as there doesn’t seem to be an option within the user interface. Don’t worry you’re not alone thinking this, just about everyone gets stuck trying to unsubscribe from StreamLabs, they’ve gone above and beyond to make the process as unintuitive as possible.

Thankfully we’ve figured out how and where to cancel your StreamlabsOBS subscription so follow along as we guide you through the process. You’ll be happy to know that Streamlabs will probably make some major changes to this as they have been copping a lot of flack for it recently.

How do you cancel your Streamlabs Prime subscription? Where do you cancel your Streamlabs sub?

You have now officially cancelled your Streamlabs Prime Subscription… What an absolute joke of a cancellation process. It’s no wonder they are copping a lot of flack about it at the moment. Personally, I haven’t found a Streamlabs sub to be of any value while starting out. You want to at least have a Twitch income that is going to cover the monthly cost first. Otherwise, you’re just wasting money. Each to their own though.

How do you cancel Streamlabs: Live Streaming App Subscription on iPhone iOS?

How do you cancel Streamlabs: Live Streaming App Subscription on Android?
