Although Microsoft has been working hard to make customizing Windows 10 more user-friendly, there are still quite a few limitations most users will eventually come across. One of the less common, yet most frustrating being the process for changing default system icons within the Windows File Explorer, most notably the Library icon.


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Over the years Windows 10 has undergone quite a few major updates and changes, most of which have made the operating system easier to use and far more stable. To top this list of updates off, the most recent update to hit the Windows insiders program features a fully integrated dark theme for File Explorer. Which is due to be released in the next official feature update sometime between now and the end of October.

Another relatively new addition to Windows 10 that a lot of users are still getting acquainted with is the File Explorer Libraries folder. This folder, which is similar to the Quick Access folder contains Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos, Camera Roll and Saved Pictures by default and is designed to allow super quick access to all its included folders.

Personally, I think that having Quick Access, This PC, and Libraries is a monumental triple up in access points to the same folders and space could be used better for other customizable shortcuts. However, regardless of my personal thoughts and opinions on the matter, this article will show you how to change the Windows File Explorer Libraries icon.

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Can You Change the Libraries Folder Icon on Windows 10? You Sure Can!

If you’re reading this article looking at your File Explorer window wondering where Libraries is, it may be hidden on your particular machine. To show the folder, right-click an empty space in the left-hand pane and select Show Libraries. You will see the folder appear in the left hand-pane as soon as you make the change.

how to change the libraries folder icon

As the rest of this process requires changes to the Windows registry, it’s best to create a system restore point. If you’ve never made a system restore point, do the following. Open the start menu, type Restore, then select Create a Restore Point when it appears on the list. In the new window that appears, click Create in the bottom right section of the screen, then follow the instructions given by Windows. After you have made a restore point continue with the steps shown below.

Open the Windows Registry Editor by pressing Windows Key + R, then type regedit into the Run tool text box and press Enter. Once you have the Registry Editor open, navigate to the following address using the left-hand pane.


When you have the {031E4825-7B94-4dc3-B131-E946B44C8DD5} selected right-click on it and select New > Key and name the key DefaultIcon. For the final step double-click on the (Default) file in the DefaultIcon folder and enter the address for the icon into the Value Data box. It should look something like the example below, with folder-2-128.ico being the file name of the icon I’m using.


how to change the library icon on windows

Once you have clicked Ok to save the changes, you can close the registry editor and check the File Explorer to see your new icon. If the icon hasn’t changed, Restart and check again. If you still don’t have anything, double check that you created the DefaultIcon key in the correct place within the registry, then check the path of the icon file is correct.
