Just like Facebook and Snapchat, Instagram also includes the ability to create group chats between friends and family. If you are unfamiliar with how to create a group chat in Instagram or didn’t even know the option existed, this guide will show you how to make your own personal group conversation in Instagram.


How to Reply to Instagram Stories With your Own Photos and Videos.

If you are only just finding out about the existence of Group Conversations in Instagram, there's no need to feel embarrassed. A large portion of long term users don’t even realize the feature exists. As with most platforms that offer group conversations, Instagram isn’t much different, allowing users to send messages and photos as well as the usual assortment of other material.

How to Create Private Groups in Instagram For Sharing Photos and Messages.

In the past, you have more than likely used Instagram's Direct feature to send private messages and photos to an individual person. Instagram have expanded on this feature somewhat, so you can now use the same option to create group chats with as many people as you like, all of whom have the ability to send pictures and messages.

To start using the Group Chat feature on Instagram, tap the paper plane icon in the top right-hand corner to open the Direct Message tab. From the newly opened tab, tap the small Plus icon (+) you will now be able to see a list of all the people you can send a message too. To start a group conversation all you need to do is tap the circle next to the username of anyone you wish to be included in the conversation.

how do you make instagram group conversations

Even though you have created a group, you won’t be able to name the chat until you have sent your first message, either a text message, picture or an emoji will be enough. After the initial message has been sent to break the ice, you will be able to name the group, unfortunately, the name of the group can’t exceed more than 20 characters which is rather limited.

make group chats in instagram

Group conversations in Instagram work in almost the exact same way as in Facebook Messenger, you can write text messages as well as send private photos and emojis. If you would like to add more members to the group at any stage, tap the (i) icon in the top right-hand corner and select the new people you wish to add from the list.

If at any stage the group becomes too much for you, or the conversation has come to an end you can leave the group chat by tapping the (i) icon in the top right-hand corner and selecting leave group. You will need to confirm the exit, in case you have accidentally selected the option. Once you have exited a group you will no longer to able to view the conversation and won’t receive notifications. Although this feature in Instagram isn’t anything revolutionary, it does save you having to switch between different apps to keep in touch with all your friends.

how do you leave an instagram group chat