Not everyone knows this, but you can actually disable the comments section for any YouTube videos you upload or have uploaded in the past. On top of this, not only can you disable the comments section, you can also disable the entire like and dislike bars function, allowing you completely judgment free videos.


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If you have spent enough time browsing YouTube over the years, you have almost certainly come across videos and user accounts which have the comments section disable. Generally, when the topic of the video is going to be hotly debated or is of a scandalous nature, uploaders will disable comments to prevent a sh@!storm. Although it isn’t as common as disabling the comments you also have the option to disable the like and dislike bar shown in your videos, officially known as the rating bar.

Having the ability to disable comments on social media and other multimedia sites should be the normal, with Instagram currently being one of the only services to support the feature outside YouTube. For whatever reason Facebook is still evading the option to allow comments to disabled. Anyway getting back on track, if you’d like to disable comments or ratings (likes and dislikes) on your YouTube videos continue with the steps below.

How to Disable Comments and Ratings for YouTube Videos Already Posted.

As we mentioned earlier, not all services allow you to disable comments and ratings. Youtube however still gives you the option, it’s also quite easy to do, so long as you know where you to look for the option. The first thing you need to do is go to and sign into your account. The next thing you will need to do once you have signed in will vary a little, depending on which YouTube design layout you are using. If you are using the old design, click on My Channel on the left-hand side of the page. If you are using the new design, you will need to access the option from your profile picture icon.

how do you turn off comments on your youtube videos

When you are on the My Channel page, click Video Manager, then find the video you wish to change the settings for and click Edit. On this new page click Advanced settings and Untick the first two boxes, Allow Comments and Users can view ratings for this video. Before you exit, don’t forget to save your changes at the bottom of the page.

Note: Even with the Ratings (likes and dislikes) disabled you will still see the icon displayed underneath your videos. The only difference is that no statistic information will be displayed with it.

how do you turn off ratings on youtube videos

How to Disable Comments and Ratings for YouTube Videos You are Going to Post.

If you are uploading a new video and would like to disable comments or ratings, the process is almost identical. The only difference is that you will need to select Advanced Options from the main Upload page once your video has started uploading. On the Advanced Options page, make sure the Allow Comments and Users can view ratings for the video boxes are unticked. Now all you need to do is finish the standard Youtube uploading procedure to make sure your video goes live. As soon as your video is active, you can view it to double check if comments and ratings are disabled.

Note: Even with the Ratings (likes and dislikes) disabled you will still see the icon displayed underneath your videos. The only difference is that no statistic information will be displayed with it.

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