If you are currently using Mozilla Firefox as your main Internet browser, this article will show you how to enable and disable the new Auto Reopen feature. A newly added feature to Firefox version 61 which allows you to force Firefox to open at system boot if it was open at the time of the last shutdown or restart.


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Although Mozilla Firefox isn’t the most popular Internet browser on the market, it is one of the best browser options available and is superior to Chrome in a lot of areas. Speed wise Firefox and Chrome are neck and neck for most website loading times, apart from YouTube, but that’s an entirely different story, Firefox also uses far fewer system resources and is far more customizable than Chrome.

Automatic reopen as it’s called on Firefox will be debuting disabled by default in version 61, meaning you will have to opt-in to start using it. However, from Firefox version 63 onwards it will be enabled by default. So it’s best to get in early and find out how to enable/disable the feature.

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How Do You Disable or Enable Firefox Auto Reopen?

Even though the process shown below may look a little complicated, it’s actually the opposite and should only take you a minute or two to do, even if you are a complete beginner. To begin, open Firefox into the main window, then type about:config into the address bar and press Enter. If you have never opened about:config in Firefox before, you will have to accept the warranty disclaimer.

Once you are on the main about:config page, enter the following text into the search box toolkit.winRegisterApplicationRestart. Next, double-click the entry that appears to change its value from False (Off) to True (on). Alternatively, you can simply right-click the entry and select Toggle.

firefox auto reopn after crash

Once you have made the change, Restart Firefox and the change will take effect. From now on whenever you leave Firefox open when you shutdown or restart your computer, Firefox will open at system boot with all the tabs you were working in open and ready to use. If you ever wish to remove the feature simply return to the same location and flip the toggle to the opposite position.

Keep in mind that between Firefox version 61 and 63 automatic reopen will be disabled by default. From version 63 onwards it will be enabled by default, however, you probably won’t have to use the about:flags menu to access the option. Instead, check the standard Firefox settings menu. While you have Firefox on your mind, make sure you check out the following articles which show you how to add Group Policy support to Mozilla Firefox on Windows 10.

How to Add Group Policy to Firefox on Windows 10.

How to Block Access to Profiles on Firefox Using Windows Group Policy.

How to Add Google 2 Factor Authentication to Your Mozilla Firefox Account.

