How to fix Keyboard backlights not working on Windows.

If you have a laptop with a backlit keyboard that is no longer working, this article will guide you through several different troubleshooting steps you can use to help solve the problem. Unfortunately, there's also a possibility that your keyboard backlight has died because of a hardware failure but we'll guide you through all the other steps you can use to figure that out.

Related: How to use Keyboard Shortcuts in SCRCPY | SCRCPY Keyboard Shortcut List.

Backlights on keyboards are common on most devices these days and are super handy if you find yourself working in dark environments quite often. While it's true that the screen will usually be bright enough to see your keyboard the backlight is still a nice little touch. While backlights are a common aspect of laptop keyboards and are usually super reliable there are instances when they may stop working. 9 times out of 10 this is a software issue or that you've simply switched it off by accident. However, there is also the possibility that the hardware has failed. But before we jump to that conclusion we first need to run through all the other possible scenarios including the most common one that you accidentally set your brightness level to 0...

Don't forget that some devices turn off the backlight by default when running on battery power or when the battery falls below 10%, 15% or 25%. This may vary a little depending on the brand of laptop or keyboard you have.

How to fix Keyboard Backlights not working on Windows 10 and 11.

Before we jump into the more advanced solutions for this problem you will first need to check the two most common causes for keyboard backlighting in Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Enable backlight via shortcut

Firmware update (BIOS)

Run the Keyboard Troubleshooter on Windows.

The Keyboard troubleshooter is a diagnostic tool in Windows that helps identify and fix issues with your keyboard, including backlight problems. It probably won't work but it's worth a try.

Update Uninstall and Update Keyboard Drivers.

Outdated or incompatible keyboard drivers can lead to backlight problems. If you have a laptop or a high-end keyboard download the latest drivers from the manufacturer's website. Then do the following.

Check Software configuration settings in GHUB, ICUE, Etc.

If you are managing your keyboard lighting via an app like GHUB, ICUE or something similar make sure the app is up to date then reconfigure your settings. You may have to push your settings back onto your keyboard after updating. Don't forget to check for keyboard firmware updates as well. Some devices will have firmware updates from time to time. Your software should have an option to do this, however if it doesn't you can visit the manufacturer's website to check for any updates.

Now the Big Question is Hardware issues...

If nothing in this guide has worked so far Windows might be managing the keyboard backlighting with their new dynamic lighting feature. By default, this feature should be disabled but there is a chance that the backlight may not be working because Windows is managing the backlight feature incorrectly. So check out the guide below which will show you how to enable, disable and customise Dynamic Lighting options on Windows 11. If it's still not working after everything in this guide so far, there's a good chance the hardware is broken and it's time for a repair or warranty claim.

How to Control RGB Lighting on Windows 11. Windows 11 Dynamic Lighting Guide.
