How to fix Microsoft Access is not responding error on Windows.

If you're experiencing Microsoft Access not responding you know how frustrating it can be. You may have lost important work, and you might be wondering what you can do to get Microsoft Access working again. In this guide, we will provide a number of troubleshooting steps that you can try to get Microsoft Access up and running again. We will also provide some tips on how to prevent this error from occurring in the future. This guide should help you get your Microsoft Access back to working order so let’s get started.

Related: How to fix - Your GPU driver version does not meet the minimum requirements error on Windows 11.

Microsoft Access is a database management system used for managing and analyzing large amounts of data. It is part of the Microsoft 365 office suite, but it may sometimes encounter the "not responding" error. This error can occur when interacting with a shared database on Windows computers but can also be caused by third-party interference or malware as well as bad sectors on the drive hosting the database. To fix the error, you may need to run a virus scan, remove malware, or use a disk check or repair utility as well as quite a few others.

Thankfully there are quite a few things you can check in order to solve issues with Microsoft Access however there isn’t a simple single-fix solution so you will have to work your way through multiple fixes in order to get the best results and ultimately find a solution, so let’s work through them.

How do you fix Microsoft Access is not responding error on Windows?

First, check to see if everything is working in Safe Mode.

Scan System for Viruses to fix Microsoft Access is not responding.

If the above method has not resolved the "Microsoft Access not responding" error, it is possible that a malware infection may be affecting the database. It is important to run a comprehensive security scan to rule out this possibility and ensure that the computer hosting the Access database is not infected. This can help to prevent further issues with the database and ensure that it is functioning properly. If you have access to a security scanner, or if your organization pays for one, you can use it to scan your entire system to check for a virus infection. Otherwise, you can use Windows Defender to scan your system:

Repair Office to fix Microsoft Access is not responding.

Run the Check Disk tool to fix Microsoft Access is not responding.

Try Clean Boot to fix Microsoft Access is not responding.
