How to fix Starfield error 0xc000001d on Windows 11.

If you are trying to play Starfield on Windows 11 but are getting error 0xc000001d. There’s a good chance you have a problem with AVX settings in your system BIOS so addressing this should solve the problem and allow you to play Starfield on Windows 11 without any problems. So follow along as we guide through through the processes you need to use to fix error 0xc000001d in Starfield.

Related: How to fix Mods crashing Starfield - Mods not working in Starfield.

Starfield has had quite a few problems with error messages and crashing but error 0xc000001d isn’t one of the most common ones you will encounter. As we mentioned above it seems to be exclusively linked to AVX BIOS settings so making a simple change (when possible) should solve the problem.

AVX stands for Advanced Vector Extensions, and it's a set of CPU instructions designed to improve the performance of certain types of applications, particularly those that require heavy numerical calculations and data processing. These extensions were introduced by Intel and AMD to enhance the capabilities of their processors and are often used in software that demands high computational power, such as scientific simulations, 3D rendering, and video games.

So how do you fix this error message? There are several different things you can try so work your way through the solutions shown below. Start from the top of the list and work your way through them.

Fix How to fix Starfield error 0xc000001d on Windows 11.

The first and most important thing to check is your computer's AVX settings. For 99% of people, they are configured correctly by default, however, if you know you have made some changes in the BIOS that may affect the setting you can run the following command to enable AVX.

bcdedit /set xsavedisable 0

Verify & Repair Starfield Game Files (GAME PASS)

If you are playing Starfield from the Xbox app and Game Pass you can try verifying and repairing game files. This is a really easy process but it can take a little time to complete.

Verify Starfield Game Files (STEAM)

Sometimes things just randomly go wrong with game files. Especially on Windows 11 or if you are using mods. So if either of these are relevant to you I suggest verifying your game files to solve the problem.

Update Graphics Drivers with a clean install using DDU.

Check/Change your Overclock Settings.
