How to remove the title bar when using Vertical Tabs in Edge.

If you are using Microsoft Edge and have switched to vertical tab browsing to make the most out of an ultrawide monitor. This article will show you how to quickly and easily remove the title bar from the top of the browser. The last remaining wasted space leftover from traditional horizontal tabs. With the title bar hidden you'll gain a little more space at the top and bottom of your browser window. 

Related: How to enable and use vertical tabs in Microsoft Edge.

There is a strange transition currently taking place at the moment and I’m not exactly sure how or why it is happening. Usually, change doesn’t seem to take place in opposing directions. If you’ve been paying close attention, you may have noticed that a lot of monitors and computer screens have started shifting to ultrawide-screen formats and aspect ratios like 21:9 to give users far better viewing angles and immersive experiences. 

However, in contrast, Google has shifted the bulk of their search and website optimisation to focus on vertical content displayed on mobile devices like phones. Which makes ultra viewing rather pointless outside of gaming and media content.

Although content optimised for vertical viewing is still easily viewable on ultrawide monitors, it does leave a lot of white space on both sides of the display, which isn’t used for anything useful. Before vertical tabs, most users would simply split their browser into two different windows to better optimise their workspace, however, this isn’t ideal for everything, which is why Microsoft added vertical tabs to Edge. 

With vertical tabs enabled you can shift all your tab information from the top of your browser screen to the left-hand side of your screen. This does take a little bit of time to get used to but works very well once you get used to it. I’ve been using it for the last few months and wouldn’t go back to traditional tabs unless I switched to a standard 16:9 resolution screen. This brings us to today’s guide, how to remove the title bar from the top of Edge when using vertical tabs. 

How do you remove the title bar when using Vertical Tabs in Microsoft Edge?

Alternatively: You can copy and paste the following into the address bar and go straight to the location: edge://flags/#edge-vertical-tabs-hide-titlebar. Once you are in the location change the drop-down option to Enabled and Restart Edge.

If you are just starting out with Vertical Tabs in Microsoft Edge, I strongly suggest checking out the following article: How to resize vertical tabs in Microsoft Edge. This guide will show you how to better manage the sizing of vertical tabs in Microsoft Edge. By default Vertical tabs can be a little narrow and not sure enough information which is why changing the way the size is so important to the user experience. 
