If you are super happy to finally be able to play Apex Legends from Steam rather than Origin, you’re not alone! Since Apex Legends hit Steam the player base has grown dramatically with more players now streaming and playing Apex Legends than PUBG. For those of you who aren’t happy with your current in-game Apex Legends name, this guide will show you how to change it on Steam.


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Apex Legends is one of the best free to play (FTP) battle royale games on the market. It’s fast-paced, has tons of characters and classes to play and is relatively easy to learn. That said, it’s super hard to master as there are a lot of different scenarios that can come into effect. It’s also one of the only Battle Royale games on the market with detailed lore and backstory.

Since being added to Steam recently, Apex has seen a major uptake in active players (this always happens when games come to Steam) It’s also seen a lot of players trying to figure out how to change their username as Steam and Origin both have different processes in place. Previously we covered how to change your Apex Legends user name in Origin, so this guide will focus on the new method for changing your name now that Apex is on Steam.

Interestingly the process is unexpectedly different to what you’d usually expect, so you may find yourself in a conundrum about what to change your name to. It’s also worth noting that name changes can be between 2 and 32 characters long. Duplicate names also seem to be allowed, for example, there’s nothing stopping you changing your name to the same exact name as any streamer or pro gamer. Though I suspect they may change this down the track.

How do you change your Apex Legends name on Steam? Change Apex Legends name if you are using Steam.

In order to change your name in Apex Legends, you’ll need to change your entire Steam name. Now, this isn’t ideal for people who want to keep their name for all the other games they play, so you’ll need to consider if it’s worth it. If you decide to go ahead with the change, below are the steps.

  • First sign in to your Steam account, then click the drop-down arrow on your profile name in the top right-hand corner. Now select View my profile.

Steam apex legends name change

  • On this page click, Edit Profile and you will be taken to a new page where you can type your new name into the Profile Name text box. Remember you have between 2 and 32 characters to play, so do whatever you like.

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Just remember that making this change will change your display name in all the games you play, not just Apex. It won’t however change the unique name linked to your account. That will remain the same. At this stage, there is nothing stopping users from having duplicate profile names, so you may encounter people with the exact same name moving forward.

Seeing as you are here I can only assume you’re an avid gamer, so I suggest reading the following guide as well if you have had or are having issues with frame rate drops in games when you are playing with your Xbox Controler (wirelessly) How to fix Xbox controller causing huge frame rate drops in games on PC. For some reason, your Xbox controller can cause major resource issues in some games, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order as an example.