How to Move Taskbar Icons to the Center of the Taskbar On Windows 10.

Windows 10 has a lot of features that make using and customizing the operating system easy and hassle-free. Unfortunately, one thing that Windows 10 doesn’t yet allow you to do is move your taskbar items to the center of your taskbar. As always though there’s an easy fix for this problem that will get your taskbar items into the center.

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As all Windows users are aware, taskbar icons automatically stack to the left of the screen and can’t be placed randomly along the taskbar at your own personal choosing. As a workaround to get centered taskbar icons in the past, Windows users would manually center icons by creating an empty, invisible toolbar between the Start menu icon and any pinned icons. By doing this all icons to the right of the invisible toolbar are pushed to the center of the screen.

Although this works quite well, it gets frustrating having to continually adjust the size of the toolbar when adding or removing icons from the taskbar. Thankfully, there is now a way to set taskbar icons to automatically center themselves on Windows 10 that doesn’t require you to use toolbars or other strange workarounds.

Related: How to Change Start Menu Tile Icons and Colours.

How Do You Center Icons On the Windows 10 Taskbar?

As you have probably already guessed, we’ll be using a third-party program to keep taskbar icons centered. The program is called Falcon10 and is a simple portable piece of software, which it doesn’t require installation to work.

Download Falcon10.

The download page is a little different to most other websites, so click Falcon10, then click the Zip file, this will start the download.

Once you have the file on your computer, using it is as simple as double-clicking on the Falcon10.exe file. When you have Falcon10 open, simply use the tick boxes to choose where you’d like your icons to be moved to. You can also move the start menu icon to the center of the taskbar, which looks really good but takes a hell of a long time to get used to.

Note: In order to run Falcon10, you’ll need to have support for .NET Framework 4.7.2 libraries. If the Falcon10 doesn't start, you can use the link above to get .NET Framework 4.7.2 installer. Once you have NET Framework installed, Falcon10 will launch as expected.  

As Falcon10 doesn’t have an option to automatically start when Windows does, you’ll need to manually add it to the startup list, otherwise, you’ll have to open it yourself every time you start Windows. To add Falcon10 to Windows bootlist, open the Windows File Explorer and copy the following address into the address bar (Swapping out Username, for your username)

C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

When you have the startup folder open, copy and paste the Falcon10.exe file into it and you’re done. Falcon10 will now launch at startup with all your other programs. While you are in the mood for personalizing Windows, check out the guide below which will show you how to get a mac like dock for your icons.

How to Get a Mac-Like Dock For Your Icons On Windows 10.
