If you have been using Photoshop for a while or are just starting out, you’ll know just how difficult it can be to fix tiny annoyances. If your text tool has lost the plot and is all of a sudden placing all your punctuation at the beginning of your work, rather than the end, it’s not a glitch! It’s a tiny setting you will need to change.


How to Change Your Photoshop Language From Another Language to English Without Reinstalling.

Photoshop has been around since 1988, evolving from a simple raster graphics editor into the world’s most famous and most used image editing and creation tool. It has become so widespread the term Photoshop has become a verb in the English language. As brilliant as Photoshop is, sometimes things go wrong and the smallest of things can drive you mad.

If you recently opened Photoshop and began working on a project, only to find that your favorite and much-used text tool is now placing punctuation, (full stops, commas, and question marks among others) at the beginning of your sentence rather than the end. You might be going WTF… I had the same reaction!

When I first came across this problem I thought it was a glitch, thankfully it's not a glitch, which means it's quite easy to fix. It’s just a hard setting to find and you may not have even thought about it as a possibility.

Generally, this happens if you have been using fonts associated with Middle Eastern or Asian languages. When you change to one of these, Photoshop will automatically adjust to the Grammar of that language, therefore changing sentence structures. (Sometimes not reverting back when required). Now that you know how and why it has happened, it's time to fix the problem.

Fixing Full Stops and Commas Being Placed at the Beginning of Sentences When Using the Photoshop Text Tool.

To start fixing this issue, open Photoshop and go to Edit in the top left-hand corner of the screen. Next go down to the very bottom of the menu and select Preferences, finally choose Type. In the new window, you will see an option to choose between East Asian and Middle Eastern, whatever option yours is set to, change it to the opposite, Confirm, then Close Photoshop.


You can now reopen Photoshop and go to Type at the top near where you found Edit. Inside the in type menu, select Language Options, then choose whichever you set as your text engine in the earlier step.


Now go to Window at the top once more and make sure you have Paragraph ticked. This will add an option to the sidebar on the right that will allow you to choose which direction your text will flow.


Once again close Photoshop then reopen it, create a new document to test out the changes you have made. On the right-hand side near the colour toolbar, you will see a tab that looks like a Backwards facing “ꟼ” Click on this and select the icon that says left to right paragraph direction it will look something like “ >ꟼ (shown on the right of the above image) Now just double check your text and it should be flowing correctly once more.

Note: If this hasn’t fixed your problem, go back into Photoshop once more and repeat the exact same steps, however, this time from the first menu under Edit > Preferences > Type choose the opposite to what you did the first time. Everything should now be in working order.