If you have recently made the switch to Apex Legends from another Battle Royale title like Fortnite, PUBG or Black Ops 4, you’ve probably encountered players who continually spam the Ping feature. If so, follow along as this article shows you how to stop Ping abuse or spamming in Apex Legends.


How to Merge Two Fortnite Accounts. (Xbox, PS4, and Nintendo Switch)

Apex Legends has officially been out for a week and has become the next viral video game sensation in the ever popular battle royale category. Its player count has already skyrocketed to more than 30 million and it’s easy to see why as Apex Legends is fast-paced, fairly well optimized, and most importantly, free. Of course, there are still plenty of things to work on, including frame rates, and weapon balancing but overall Apex’s gameplay has been quite smooth and super fun.

Obviously with a massive influx of players hitting Apex Legends servers so fast, one would expect a lot of connection chaos and downtime. However, that hasn’t happened… Yet! As the player count continues to climb at an astonishing rate, things may change, though server upgrades are already underway, with more inevitably coming.

Of all the minor issues in Apex Legends so far, one of the most annoying is player abuse and spamming of the in-game Ping system, which allows you to instantly notify your team of significant events, enemies, places, plans, and items. So if you are sick and tired of a teammate spamming Ping endlessly, this guide will show you how to mute them and hide their Pings.

Related: How to Use an Android Device as a Wireless Microphone on Windows 10.

How Do You Hide or Mute Player and Teammate Pings in Apex Legends? (PC, Xbox, PS4)

Although the ability to mute player voice chat, text chat, and pings is a standard feature in Apex Legends, it is one that people are having a lot of trouble finding. Thankfully this process is the same across all gaming systems PC, Xbox, and PlayStation and is easy to use, so you won’t have to worry about learning something different for each platform you decide to play on.

To begin, launch Apex Legends as you normally would, then follow the steps you normally do until you get into a game. Once you are in-game (not the lobby), you’ll be able to mute any players Pings. To do this open your inventory (Tab Key or I on PC).

how to mute teammate pings on apex legends

Then change to the Squad tab at the top of the interface.

how do you mute ping notifications in apex legends

Within the tab, you will see yourself, and your two teammates. Underneath each of their names, you will see three different icons Mute Voice, Mute Ping (marked by the green square), and Mute Chat. Simply click the middle icon, to mute Pings from that player. Once done they will be muted for the rest of the game or until you decide to unmute them. If you wish to unmute them, simply open the menu again and click the Ping icon once more.

Another Suggestion While You Have Apex Legends Open.

Make sure you check out the following Apex Legends article which will show you how to disable the games default setting that shares usage data and system information with EA. Although this information is very helpful for optimizing the game early on, it is something you are probably going to want to disable as soon as possible.

How to Disable Data Collection in Apex Legends. (Apex Legends Usage Sharing)