Search results for: desktop


How to set a different wallpaper for each desktop on Windows 11.

Learn how to use different wallpapers for each desktop on Windows 11. Using different wallpapers for each virtual desktop on Windows 11.

How to fix white or blank icons on the Windows 11 Desktop or Taskbar.

Learn how to fix blank icons on the desktop or taskbar on Windows 11. A common issue with icons that can be caused by quite a few different things.

How to change what the power button does on your computer.

Learn how to change the way the power button works on your PC. Disable it, put your computer to sleep with it, restart your computer, etc.

How to Save and Backup Your Desktop Icon Layout on Windows.

If you are someone who has a million icons on your desktop in a specific order that you don’t ever want to lose, this guide will show you how to backu...